Due to the very nature of railways, rail traffic, locomotives, carriages, piston based retarders and retarders in general, and ancillary related items, which are implicitly and expressly dangerous, unless utilized within very specific parameters, the Company, New Joules Engineering North America, Inc., as a company, its employees, staff or affiliate’s accept no responsibility arising from or in respect of any harm, howsoever or from whatsoever cause arising, in respect of any damage/injury/suffering whatsoever, occurring to any person or thing, whether of a corporeal, incorporeal or injurious nature, the meaning of which words shall be given the maximum and widest definition (hereinafter referred to as “harm”), and arising from the incorrect use, abuse, placement of items or equipment of the Company, including any retarders manufactured or supplied by the Company or any ancillary or extraneous parts in which or to which such retarder/s may be installed. This general disclaimer further extends to all or any persons, including the public at large, who may be in the proximity of, or in the presence of any person, happening or incident, of whatsoever nature, or from whatsoever cause arising, and which may lead, directly or indirectly, to harm to such person or property, and in respect of which such parties, including the public at large, hereby expressly waive and abandon all or any claims, actual or perceived, of whatsoever nature and from whatsoever cause arising, in respect of any harm, whether direct or indirect, including any consequential harm arising therefrom, or from the presence of and/or utilization of any items supplied by the Company.