Fireplaces & accessories Security Barriers Fuel Storage Equipment
Telephone: (816) 921 7441 | Fax: (816) 921 7443 | Email: | Address: New Joules Engineering North America. 4401 Clary Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64130
The application, principle of operation, design, manufacturing and service of the Joule Retarder.
Drilling mounting holes, retarder bay, retarder assembly installation, inspection, maintenance overview, retarder maintenance, pot housing maintenance, Quick release mechanism, capsule removal and installation, and repairs.
The Spring Frog Tester is designed for the testing and inspection of spring frog turnouts.
Retarder Installed Torqued Down
Pot Housing Assembly (AB) Exploded View
Capsule Installation Detail
Retarder Install Multi View
AB Retarder Assembly Sectioned
Vacuum Retarder Assembly
Retarder and Capsule Install.
Retarder Installation Drawing General